Local Trip Info offered by
Washington Hotel and Hotel Gracery

3 tourist spots to experience the culture of Aizuwakamatsu with your five senses

正月飾りを買い求める人々(People buying decorations for New Year’s Day)

Aizuwakamatsu city is located in the west part of Fukushima prefecture. There are lots of historical tourist spots in this city, which gathered attentions after Taiga drama series ‘Yae no Sakura’ starring Haruka Ayase was broadcast on NHK. Why not tour around spots where you can experience its culture cherished by local people?

This time, we’re going to introduce our recommended spots around Aizuwakamatsu Washington Hotel.

Aizu’s largest New Year market “Tokaichi Market” with over 400 years of history


Held on 10th January each year, “Tokaichi Market” is one of the traditional events in Aizuwakamatsu city. It’s so popular that approximately 150 thousands people attend it. There are rows of about 400 stalls offering various foods and goods; crab miso soup making you warm from inside, one of Aizu’s local dishes ‘Sauce Katsudon (Rice with breaded and deep-fried pork cutlet on top),’ folk crafts, Okiagarikoboshi (tumbler doll), pinwheels to pray for New Year’s happiness, knickknacks, lacquer wares, and more. So, this event is also perfect to find souvenirs.

Period10th January 9:00AM – 9:00PM
VenueAreas around Aizuwakamatsu City, including Shinmei-dori, Shiyakusho-dori, Chuo-dori, and Omachi-dori
AccessWalk toward the city hall from the hotel for about 10mins.

Try an exquisite cuisine created by a traditional craft and local foods at “Takino”

Do you know one of Aizu’s traditional cuisine ‘Wappa-meshi’?
The owner of “Takino”, a kappo-style and Aizu cuisine restaurant opened in 1970, came up with the idea of filling a wappa container with rice, vegetables and fish from Aizu and steaming them to sell as an original dish, wappa-meshi. Wappa is the famous traditional craft which is a round container made of a thin sheet of curved wood. Moreover, their building is relocated and restored old house that have continued since the Kamakura period. How about enjoy Wappa-meshi that makes use of Aizu seasonal produce while feeling a nostalgic atmosphere?

Opening Hours11:00AM – 8:00PM Open all year round
Address5-31 Sakae-machi, Aizuwakamatsu City, Fukushima Prefecture
AccessA 2 min-walk from Sakaemachiminami where it takes 7 mins by bus from Aizuwakamatsu station.

Get the only one souvenir of Aizu in the world at “Hoshiban E-rousoku Shop”

ライトアップされた会津若松城(Illuminated Aizu Wakamatsu Castle)

If you want to get an original souvenir, “Hoshiban E-rousoku Shop” is our recommendation.This store was established in 1772, and they specialize in painting various patterns such as chrysanthemum and mountain peonies on candles by hand. The techniques have been handed down from parent to child for generations. The store has a studio, where you can not only attend their production tour but also have experience of painting your favorite pattern on a candle (*reservation required). It’s wonderful to keep E-rousoku as a memory of your trip.

Opening Hours9:00AM- 7:00PM (9:00AM – 6:00PM from Jan to Mar)
Irregular holiday, Closed for the New Year’s holidays (from 31st Dec to 3rd Jan)
Address3-33 Nanuka-machi, Aizuwakamatsu City, Fukushima Prefecture
AccessA 3 min-walk from Nanukamachi station next to Aizuwakamatsu station on the Tadami Line.

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